Monday, August 2, 2010

First Impressions

Firsts are difficult.  First time paying your taxes, first time cooking, first love, first loss, and, of course, the first post on a new blog.  This post is the beginning, it is the justification.  

So, here we go.  

I want a place to write down my thoughts, findings, papers, songs, discoveries and everything else that may come to mind.

I hope that this will be an entertaining experience for me, as a writer, and for my readers (awkwardly referred to as "Followers" on blogspot...I much prefer facebook's use of the word "Friends"...I guess bloggers can't be choosers).


  1. I like "bloggers can't be choosers"!!

  2. First times are tough. You get used to some things, but paying taxes never gets easier. Looking forward to following you.

    Love, a taxpayer

  3. Glad you had a great time in DC. I can't believe that Dom is such a grown up. There is hope for the free world!
